841. Islamic political thought:the basic concepts
پدیدآورنده : [by] W. Montgomery Watt
موضوع : Political science--History.--Islamic Empire,Islamic Empire--Politics and government.
۴ نسخه از این کتاب در ۴ کتابخانه موجود است.
843. JN94.A58
Author: edited by Josep M. Colomer.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

845. JZ1242
Author: edited by Rex Martin and David A. Reidy.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

846. JZ6045,<The> hidden face of Eve :
Author: by Lars Kirchhoff. ,William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler, editors.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

848. Kurdistan (introduction and background on region and people) -- The Anfal campaigns -- The gassing of Halabja -- The 1991 Persian Gulf War -- Divided loyalties (internal dissent within Kurdish factions) -- The 2003 Iraq war -- Creation of the Iraqi High Tribunal -- The Dujail trial -- The Anfal trial and Saddam's execution -- International law : the road not taken.
Author: Michael J. Kelly ; foreword by Ra'id Juhi al Saedi.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

849. Law and law enforcement issues /
Author: Gerald M. Kes
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

850. <Le> vocabulaire des sentim
Author: F. Weber
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

852. Machine generated contents note: The Context -- Development of Islamic Thought in the -- 20th Century -- Features of the Socio-Economic Development -- in the Occupied Territories and the Intifada -- PART ONE: THE BASIC THEMES IN THE -- THOUGHT OF HAMAS -- The Problem: Israel, Zionism and the Jews -- The Goal: An Islamic Palestinian State -- Sense of Urgency: Mass-Immigration -- of Soviet Jews -- Hostility and Isolation -- The International Community -- The Arab-Muslim Countries -- The Traditional Palestinian Leadership -- Means -- Palestine:Jihad in Form of the Intifdda -- The Arab-Muslim World: Islamisation -- and Democratisation -- Self-Image of Islam -- v Inner Enemy: The Palestinian -- Liberation Organisa
Author: Andrea Nüsse.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

853. Mainstreaming the headscarf :
Author: by Esra Özcan.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Hijab (Islamic clothing)-- Turkey.,Women conservatives-- Political activity-- Turkey.,Women in journalism-- Turkey.,Women-- Political activity-- Turkey.,Communication studies.,Hijab (Islamic clothing),History-- Middle East-- General.,Political Science-- International Relations-- General.,Politics and government.,Women conservatives.,Women in journalism.,Women-- Political activity.,Turkey, Politics and government, 21st century.,Empire ottoman, Politique et gouvernement, 21e siècle.,Turkey., 0, 6, 7
Classification :

854. Make a shield from wisdom :
Author: 20090507 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

855. Managing the unmanageable : systematic downloading of electronic resources by library users / Gayle Baker, Carol Tenopir -- Library/vendor relations : the APA experience / Linda Beebe -- Managing customer relationships : a book vendor point-of-
Author: Sam Brooks, David H. Carlson, editors.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

856. Medieval Islamic Political Thought
Author: / Patricia Crone
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: اسلام و دولت ,-- کشورهای اسلامی,Islam and state- Islamic Empire- History,Islam and politics- Islamic Empire- History,Islamic Empire- Politics and government,Ummah (Islam),Islamic Empire- History- 622-661,Islamic Empire- History- 661-750,Islamic Empire- History- 750-1258,Political science- Islamic Empire- History
Classification :

857. Modern Buddhist cultures -- The cultural practices of Buddhist modernity -- Shanghai Buddhism -- Vegetarian identities --
Author: Francesca Tarocco.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

858. Muslim Nationalism and the New Turks.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Group identity-- Turkey.,Islam and politics-- Turkey.,Kemalism.,National characteristics, Turkish.,Nationalism-- Religious aspects-- Islam.,Nationalism-- Social aspects-- Turkey.,Secularism-- Turkey.,Group identity.,HISTORY-- Middle East-- Turkey & Ottoman Empire.,Islam and politics.,Kemalism.,National characteristics, Turkish.,Nationalism-- Religious aspects-- Islam.,Nationalism-- Social aspects.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Essays.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Government-- General.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Government-- National.,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Reference.,Politics and government.,Secularism.,Social conditions.,Turkey, Politics and government, 1980-,Turkey, Social conditions, 1960-,Turkey., 0, 0, 7
Classification :

859. N
Author: Richard Bonney ; foreword by Zaki Badawi.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)